Supported by TotalEnergies in association with Fondation Tuck

Carlos Andrade



IFP Energies nouvelles
Economics and Environmental Evaluation Department

After completing a Master’s in Environmental, Energy, and Transport Economics at the University of Paris-Saclay, he began a doctoral program at the Center for Applied Mathematics of MINES ParisTech in Sophia Antipolis, located in the southeast of France. His Ph.D. research focused on long-term energy system modeling and the assessment of challenges related to the low-carbon energy transition and the circular economy, with particular attention to the French PACA region. Specifically, he developed a prospective model to study various energy transition pathways for the region, analyzing how it could leverage its renewable energy resources to contribute to France's broader decarbonization strategy. Additionally, he explored how integrating a circular economy approach into the development of the regional energy system could support decarbonization objectives.

After completing his Ph.D., he completed a postdoctoral research at IFP Energies nouvelles. This research analyzed the the role of negative emission technologies to decarbonize the industrial sector using a energy prospective model. Currently, he is part of the Economics and Environmental Evaluation Department at IFP Energies nouvelles, where he continues to model and assess decarbonization pathways for the industrial and energy sector. His work also encompasses the economic evaluation of decarbonization technologies and scenarios, focusing on the costs, feasibility, and strategic implications of transitioning to a low-carbon future.

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