Supported by TotalEnergies in association with Fondation Tuck

New CarMa PhD student arrival at IFPEN on LCA in the domain of BECCS

CarMa PhD Sibylle duval-Dachary

The research team of the CarMa IFP School Chair is very pleased to welcome Sibylle Duval-Dachary who joined the Economics and Environmental Evaluation Department of IFP Energies nouvelles in September 2021 to start her PhD work on the topic entitled "Negative emissions potential from CCU technologies".

Her PhD research work will be supervised by Sandra Beauchet and Daphné Lorne (IFPEN) under the direction of Dr. Arnaud Hélias (INRAE - Sup Agro Montpellier). This is a new partnership for the Chair after the ones with Centrale-Supélec, CNRS and Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour (UPPA).