Evolen Magazine comes back on the 2020 Evolen days plenary session devoted to Negative Emissions Technologies organized by the Evolen CCUS Committee in close collaboration with the CarMa IFP School Chair team.
In this session chaired by Prof. Jean-Pierre Deflandre (Evolen CCUS Committee Chair and CarMa Chair Co-holder), David Nevicato (TotalEnergies), Prof. Sabine Fuss (Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change) and Dr. Jean-François Soussanna (INRAE) higlight on the potential of Negative Emissions Technologies especially BioEnergy in combination with Carbone Capture and Storage (BECCS) to stabilize atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration at a less than 2°C suitable-threshold at horizon 2050.
Prof. Sabine Fuss and Dr. Jean-François Soussana, both members of CarMa's Scientific Council, respectively shared their extensive experience in IPPC working groups to help the public better understand the economics as well as the co-benefits and antagonisms of deploying the BECCS option globally.
Download the interview.