Supported by TotalEnergies in association with Fondation Tuck

IFPEN at the iCCUS conference in Riyadh

Florence Delprat at ICCUS conference (Ryad)

The International Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage Conference (iCCUS) was held in Riyadh on 25 and 26 February. Very actively involved in research into carbon capture, storage and utilization technologies, IFP Energies nouvelles was present to share its expertise in the field.

Renowned expertise 

IFPEN has long-standing expertise in CO2 capture processes, as well as storage and site monitoring. Accordingly, Florence Delprat-Jannaud, manager of the "CO2 Capture and Storage" and "Management of the underground environment for new energy technologies" programs at the IFPEN Ressources énergétiques Carnot Institute, spoke at a round table focusing on the role of CCUS in energy-intensive industries.

The role of CCUS in the reduction of CO2 is becoming established

Organized under the patronage of Saudi Arabia’s Energy Minister and Bahrain’s Oil Minister, the conference brought together more than 600 participants. This mobilization underlines the commitment of countries, industry and scientists to limiting the global temperature increase to no more than 2°C.

It also confirms the role of carbon capture, storage and utilization (CCUS) technologies in reducing industrial COemissions, with the IEA’s Sustainable Development scenario estimating that it is necessary to capture and store 6 billion metric tons of CO2 by 2050. 

Training the experts of tomorrow

It is in this context, at a time when the potential associated with CCUS is increasingly recognized, that the "Carbon Management and negative CO2 emissions technologies towards a low carbon future" (CarMa) chair was established. 

Created within the framework of a partnership with Total, it is aimed at training a new generation of international researchers and experts capable of developing innovative solutions in the field and addressing energy transition objectives.